Friday, August 13, 2010


Fall time is my time, my favorite time of the year. The past two days have given a glimpse of what's to come in a few months and I have welcomed their early arrival wholeheartedly.

There aren't many out there like me, I don't think. Fall for me represents new life, growth, substance. The blown out bright of Summer fades down and you can see what lies before you; objects that were once backlit and sometimes distorted by the Summer sun come into focus and you can really see what you're working with.

Fall for me is a duet of adventure and focus. I usually take my big soul stretching trips during this season. I also tend to dream, create and actualize to the turning of the leaves, the more languid step. And it's already begun, thanks to this little taste of breeze and grey sky.

This song took me there this morning, along with visions of oversized scarves, flirty trench coats, a smart looking cap from Still Life and a Fall cutie to match. Bags packed, airplanes taking off, a good book tucked underarm. Yes please.

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