Saturday, May 30, 2009


Been stuck on some things, all jumbled up in my mind and my heart, occupying too much space and time, keeping me shaded from the bright light I know my present and future hold.

I woke up this morning damn annoyed at myself, gazing into my reflection in the mirror giving myself a pep talk. Lame. I've been here before and I know that when the mental and the spiritual get too heavy it's time to get physical. You can interpret that however you want but for me, today, that has meant getting mobile, on wheels. I went over to the Brooklyn Flea, took a test drive on the first bike that caught my eye and now she's mine.

It wasn't until after I took her off the lot that I noticed the curly cued words "Free Spirit" wrapping up her spine. I've gotten to know her, tooling around the neighborhood and even going long to South Williamsburg for a friends birthday fete at Miss Favela. I feel free. Out of my mind and into my body. My thighs burn, thankfully not my brain:)

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